[![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/nicolalandro/obj2html/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/nicolalandro/obj2html/-/commits/main) [![coverage report](https://gitlab.com/nicolalandro/obj2html/badges/main/coverage.svg)](https://gitlab.com/nicolalandro/obj2html/-/commits/main) # Obj2Html This lib is able to transform an .obj file to HTML that use three.js. In this way it is possible to have an interactive 3D view that can be used on the browser or into a jupyter notebook. Install with `pip install obj2html` and use with `obj2html('model.obj', 'index.html')` ![](imgs/colab_sample.png) * run into jupyter notebook ``` ! pip install obj2html ! wget https://gitlab.com/nicolalandro/obj2html/-/raw/main/test/assets/model.obj from obj2html import obj2html from IPython.display import display, HTML obj2html('model.obj', 'index.html') display(HTML('index.html')) ``` ## Features - [x] .obj files support - [x] pipy delivery - [x] guide for notebook - [x] pypi doc add image - [x] edit html positions and other 3D params - [ ] dist wheel - [ ] load three.js as static file - [ ] .mat files support # Dev * run test ``` python3.8 -m unittest discover ``` * run test with coverage ``` pip install coverage python3.8 -m coverage run --source=src -m unittest discover python3.8 -m coverage report -m ``` * deploy pipy ``` pip install twine rm -rf dist python setup.py sdist twine check dist/* twine upload dist/* # in one line ``` # References In this chapter I add at least a link for each of the knowledge needed for develop this project. * python * git * [how to write a setup.py](https://medium.com/@joel.barmettler/how-to-upload-your-python-package-to-pypi-65edc5fe9c56) * python test * coverage * gitlab ci/cd * three.js * [pymustache](https://github.com/lotabout/pymustache): for using html template, but in the end I use replace with similar sintax